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Path of Success: Indian way

Few hours back, I was in a local train compartment, on my way back home. I was to cover a journey of nearly three and half hours, and as usual I got engaged with my smartphone, the best way out to kill time and boredom, checking mails and listening to music, playing games….bla bla bla…

Co-passengers, especially those who were travelling in groups, I presume they might be regular commuters, were busy too, with lots of discussions, covering almost each and every available topics under the sun ( that’s also a way to kill time, man). Let me remind you, my beloved readers, some were delivering lectures (tax free with no obligations), some were the good listeners (best way to not loose your energy) and the rest was engaged in panel discussions ( as they were in front of the camera and telecast is live ).
Entered a new guest, trust me the perfume drew the first attraction towards them ( plural terms, buddy, he was accompanied by his wife ). Everything was going normal, till, the panel discussion switched, towards the couple, and I hope by this time, you might have guessed why? Confused? Let me clarify….the lady was charming, beautiful in her mid thirtess (wild guess ), a natural reason to be in lime light… Huh?
To my utter surprise, the guy, who even fought with an elderly, earlier, over comfort, offered her, his own seat to the lady. Good gesture!! Two, or three stations passed away, the other guy (from the same group, a good Samaritan, may be??) offered the gentleman his seat…. Please note I was so closely standing, in front of them, and even as Kaku (uncle), as they called me (natural,as per my age is concerned), was not given the privilege ( my age was not a determining factor, to be noted) .
Still then, some where, I was overhearing their discussions as I told earlier, as time pass….yeah, it was a mean to kill time and save the battery too, I repeat. Now I made up my mind, and got myself prepared for the fight…
Wait, wait dear, it’s not physical, mental. Realizing and observing the facts, I prepared myself to take the pain of standing the rest of the journey and devoted myself more in my smartphone. At this point, news came, something about Nirav Modi, in the internet….. and after going in depth of the news (if sources were to be believed), I was upset (reasons not be disclosed in public), and switched off the phone (obviously in an attempt to save power).
Reluctantly, my ears got busy overhearing again….. hahaha, don’t mind please (no options left out), and the ongoing topic was : “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”…. and the arrow was pointed towards the favor granted, to that gentleman (recall please, don’t say I haven’t mentioned). I was enjoying the discussions, although my mind was thinking about the fraud case, the news I had been through, few minutes back (PNB Scam: Nirav Modi).
After an hour, when I got down from the train, at my destination, and was about to take a public transport, eagerly to meet my family, a slogan, that might contradict with the proverb: “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”, popped up in my mind, and that is the reason, why I am awake in this midnight, just to pen it down, for you, my beloved readers, is as follows:
“Behind every successful man, there is a Bank (in India)”
Mr. Modi, are you still awake???


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